




————Ready Go!

[WP] Your emotions control the weather, you've been in love for 6 sunny months, and now the goverment need it to rain.

[WP] Genies exist. However, they are all evil wish genies who try and interpret wishes disastrously. You're a lawyer at a Wise Wishing Firm, who helps their clients word their wishes as safely as possible.

[WP]You are an omnipotent god. Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power. 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company. Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit

[WP] The daughter of a mafia boss is assigned a bodyguard the same age as her to attend college with her for added protection.

[WP] You tell everyone that you have a twin sibling as a joke. Several of your friends claim to have met him.

[WP] The enemy of your enemy is also your enemy.

[WP] A love story between a human and an immortal.

[WP] One day, it started snowing, and since then, it hasn't stopped.

[WP] All your peers are casting their fancy spells with their spellbooks. You look down at yours and it's filled with puns and one-liners.

[WP] You travelled back in time to hit on someone. If you failed you travelled further back into their past and tried again. You finally succeeded and have stayed with them. Unfortunately as it stands, their future is filled with your previous attempts.


